Saturday, May 19, 2018

Setting up a private insecure Docker registry

Setting up a private insecure Docker registry for you Kubernetes sandbox

Well there's nothing specific to Kubernetes about this article. It just shows you how to quickly setup an insecure docker registry locally on one of your VMs. But if you do have a local Kubernetes setup on a set of VMs as described in my last article, then setting up a local docker registry, and pushing to it all the images you intend to deploy to your k8s cluster, would save you precious bandwidth (and time).

Running the docker registry

Pick a node to run your docker registry. I usually pick the master node of my kubernetes cluster arbitrarily, but it can really be any accessible node. The only thing that you need to make sure is that it has a fully-qualified domain name or a stable IP (statically assigned or a DHCP IP that's configured in your router to be sticky based on MAC address).
The actual docker registry is best run as a container, using the registry:2 image. Bind mount a host directory to /var/lib/registry to store the images durably.
$ mkdir -p /var/lib/local-registry/registry
$ docker run -d -p5000:5000 --restart=always --name local-registry -v /var/lib/local-registry/registry:/var/lib/registry registry:2

Accessing the registry from your k8s nodes

The private registry you just configured needs to be accessible from you k8s nodes, so that they could all access images from this registry. Because the registry you just configured is an insecure registry and does not use TLS, you must tell the docker daemon of each individual node that needs access to this registry that it should access these registries via http and via https.
Assuming that the host on which you're running the registry has a hostname of reghost (you can also IP address), the way to do that would be the following:
$ [ -w /etc/docker/daemon.json ] && \
  jq '."insecure-registries" = [."insecure-registries"[], "reghost:5000"]' /etc/docker/daemon.json >/tmp/daemon.json && \
  mv /tmp/daemon.json /etc/docker/daemon.json
The above assumes that you have the jq utility, which is a totally cool json utility that you should master. This would not have succeeded if the file didn't exist already. In that case:
$ [ -w /etc/docker -a -r /etc/docker -a ! -f /etc/docker/daemon.json ] && cat > /etc/docker/daemon.json < EOF
  "insecure-registries": ["reghost:5000"]
On older versions of Docker, the following seems to work on RedHat / Fedora / CentOS based systems:
$ [ -w /etc/sysconfig/docker ] && cat >> /etc/sysconfig/docker << EOF
INSECURE_REGISTRY='--insecure-registry reghost:5000 <<and-more>>'
Note that if you want to access your registry without the port number (because docker uses 5000 as the default port), you would need to list it separately in the insecure-registries key, in addition to the one qualified with the port number. Following this, on every such node where you added or edited /etc/docker/daemon.json, you need to restart the docker daemon:
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl restart docker

Pushing images

You should now be ready to push images to this registry. Assuming you created a local image call mywebserver, you could try this:
$ docker tag mywebserver reghost:5000/myuser/mywebserver:latest
$ docker push reghost:5000/myuser/mywebserver:latest
The above will push all the layers of your image to your registry. You should be able to verify the addition of new content on your registry under /var/lib/local-registry/registry (or whichever path you bind mounted in your registry container).
Et, voila!

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